Are you confused about financing your Dad’s care? Do you have any questions on Power of Attorney? Would you like to get more information about care finance so that you can better support your Mum?
The Care Finance Seminar is a relaxed yet informative presentation about the Power of Attorney (POA) and Finance Seminar.
It will give you a much greater insight and understanding of funding long-term care as well as Power of Attorney (POA).
The speakers for this seminar are Mr Gary Kiely Solicitor from Tollers and Mr James Gregory, carefee planner. So if you currently need to support a loved one with finding or funding a long term care, or may do so in the future, please come along.
Meeting will be held at:
Tickford Abbey
Priory Street, Newport Pagnell MK16 9AJ
Call Karen for details on 07494 074710.