Dementia assessment

If you are worried that you are getting more forgetful, or you have been feeling confused, anxious, or low for a while, it is a good idea to visit your GP.  Such symptoms may be caused by several conditions, but they may also be an indication of dementia.  Your GP will help with diagnosing root cause of these changes and may refer you to a specialist.

If you are concerned that your loved one has been experiencing these difficulties, or has been behaving out of character, you may like to suggest that they visit their GP and that you accompany them for the appointment.

Each person will experience dementia differently, but they will usually have problems with:

  • memory loss – day-to-day memory and forgetfulness
  • concentrating, planning or organising
  • language and communication – ie. struggling to find the right word
  • perception – finding it difficult to judge distances and see objects properly
  • orientation (ie. confusion about the day or month, or where they are).

For more information or if you wish to discuss care for your loved one please email