Dementia aids and gadgets

As technology advances, more and more dementia ‘gadgets’ are becoming available. These help people living with dementia to carry out daily tasks with ease.

When a person is living in their own home with dementia, it is understandable that friends and family will have concerns regarding their safety, however, depending on the stage of their dementia journey. The dementia aids that an individual might choose will also depend on their level of mobility, as many are designed to increase accessibility within the home.

Dementia gadgets that are often useful across all stages of an individual’s dementia journey are those that assist with memory. These can also be useful for older people who are not necessarily living with dementia, but who are struggling with instances of memory loss.

Below are some of the more common, widely available memory aids:

Clocks: Knowing what day it is, or whether it is 10 in the morning or 10 at night, are things that most of us will take for granted. However, for people living with dementia, this information can become muddled, and this is often exacerbated by the increased daylight hours in summer. Specialist clocks will often have the day of the week, as well as morning, afternoon, evening, or night written clearly on the face. Some clocks can also be programmed to give reminders, such as ‘take your medication.’

Stove alarms: This is an integral safety feature for those living at home on their own- the alarm will sound when the stove becomes too hot, or if it has been left on for a long time.

Memo reminders: These can be operated by a motion sensor, for example if a person living with dementia goes to leave the house, the device will sense their movement and read a message aloud, such as ‘don’t forget your keys.’ These can be recorded with loved ones’ voices for an added personal touch.

Locator systems:  Most of us lose our car keys or wallet on the daily, but for those of us with dementia, this can become a real burden. Locator systems usually involve Bluetooth and will allow you to locate key items via Bluetooth- perhaps better for the more ‘techy’ person!

Of course, the gadgets listed here (which are only a few amongst countless options) will not provide a cure for symptoms such as memory loss. They are designed to make life a little easier for those of us living with dementia, and to provide a ‘safety net’ for people living in their own home.

For more information or if you wish to discuss care for your loved one please email